Jul 292 minSCOTUS ends the Chevron doctrineNear the end of this year’s Supreme Court term, the SCOTUS handed down three decisions that limit federal agency powers in interpreting stat
Jul 25, 20234 minLion Elastomers CaseDo you intend to discipline a union steward for “salty language” during a grievance meeting? Not so fast, says the NLRB and the 5th...
Jun 13, 20232 minSeverance Agreements – good for a departing employee and the company, but legal risks aboundThe severance agreement – a contract between a company and a departing employee – is often a desirable tool when an employee doesn’t work...
Jan 2, 20231 minProtocol TrainingEstablishing consistency and consensus throughout an organization, related to employee performance, policy implementation and collective...
Oct 25, 20221 minFrank J. DeMauro | AssociateFRANK J. DeMAURO is a labor relations professional with more than 20 years experience in grievance and dispute resolution, arbitration,...
Oct 24, 20221 minDavid I. Auker | AssociateDAVID I. AUKER is a Human Resources professional with more than 20 years of experience focusing on Labor Administration and Employee...
Oct 21, 20221 minJames Williams | AssociateJIM WILLIAMS is a seasoned Employee/Labor Relations professional with over 30 years experience in HR, leadership development, contract...